Thursday, May 14, 2009


Today, I found out that my worst enemy is being set up on a date tomorrow at this event called "Clown Town." It sounds like a child's event, but it is normally where all the older kids go to hang out at night. The rides are pretty dangerous, some broke down when people were upside down. I feel so bad. So, like I said, some of my friends set up this kid. They know each other, they have met once, for like, 30 minutes, but didn't get to know each other that well. They like each other though, but I find that kinda weird.

Today at school, I found out that my french teacher will not be there tomorrow. I am dissapointed, but also very excited! I hope we have a good subsitute. My engineering teacher is taking a break, so we have an older gentleman that will be teaching us for the remainder of the year. Also, I was dumb enought to touch the tip of a hot glue gun, and it hurt really bad. In Math, we reviewed homework thewhole time, becuase it was an important thing we need to know for eigth grade next year. I did the whole page wrong... Then there was L.A. which was boring... and then Social Studies wasn't any better. In science, we started a project, and I'm with a really bad group, but that's just my opinion. Then we finally had lunch, and I got pizza all over the place. Then in enrichment we watched Rebound, and that was boring, too.

What would you do if there was someone you really liked? This has ummmm, nothing to uhh, do with me...! Uh huh!


Anonymous said...

Yay! You updated your blog!

Matt said...


Naomi said...

Yay, cool post! I like the thing about the date being set up. xDD