Sunday, May 24, 2009

Why You Should NEVER See A Movie With Me...AND, Happy Memorial Day!!!

Today was a great day, until the clock turned to 12:20 P.M., that is.

Well, lets go back to a poor assembly at school on Friday. It was a very boring assembly, that had games in it. The people were so desperate to have a good assembly they made games. Well, I was sitting next to Naomi, and Adele on her other side, and Adele and I planned to go to the movies to see Star Trek later that night. We planned to go at about six, but Sophie was at Dana's house. We planned to go on Sunday, after Sophie missed Friday, and it was hard, because we had to plan around her soccer tournaments.

We get to the movie theater at 12:20, and the movie started at 12:00, but I thought it said 12:15. We get up to the ticket stand, and the guy won't give us the tickets, and says that we are 20 minutes late. After this sad note, we leave the theater. Fortunately, I used to live in the town the movie was at. We decided to take a walk up to my old house. I walked my friends to a dark alley behind Wal Mart, and we walked up there for about 5 minutes. Out of no where, a guy coming from a place called "Vinny's Liquor Store" stuck his head out the window of his car and started screaming jibberish at as. Adele, as scared as ever, looking to me as if she was about to cry, grabbed my arm and made me run back down the alley with her and Naomi. We stopped at Market Basket for a while and had a "party."

YAY! Naomi's mom had come to pick us up!!! It was a miracle! Event though Naomi called her mom, it was just a miracle to be put out of our misery (walking...)! When I got home, I was very excited to find out that I was about to see Night At The Museum: Battle Of The Smithsonian. I would recommend that you see this movie, but only if you have seen the first one. You would be a bit confused if you saw the second without seeing the first, because the beggining of the movie starts of based on something that is briefly mentioned in the first movie. My dad said that this summer I am going to visit the real Smithsonian, which is actually 9 different museums.

Oh, Happy Memorial Day!

Saturday, May 23, 2009


You might be questioning the title. It is a bit strange, but it's mentioned in a song. I will post the song in complete-

"Love is sweet as summer showers

Love's wondrous work of art

But your love, oh your love, your love

Is like a giant pigeon....

crapping on my heart"

That is an awesome song. Don't ask why. Pigeons are strange animals. They used to carry mail, back when they didn't have cars our planes and all that. Pigeons are also the birds that are all over the place in cities. They carry mail, but get in the way...? Are they trying to give people imaginary mail? Who knows?

I was supposed to go to the movies to see Star Trek today, but Adele had to ruin it by going to her soccer tournamnet, so me and the others had to cancel. Well, there was only one other, Naomi. I heard it was good, better than Star Wars, and Star Wars isn't that bad.

Have any of the small amount of people who read this blog seen the show friends? I have been watching it a lot recently. It's actually really funny. You should watch it sometime.

Well, bye! Please comment!

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

I Might Go Goth!

A lot of people say I shouldn't, that I'm too....nice...?

What do you think? Please post comments!

Kill Me, I'm At School....

I'm at school right now, and it sucks, as always. Kyle and Stefie have been the talk of the grade. Yesterday, I accidentally told this really popular girl, Sierra. She was really good at persuading me, she said, "Can you tell me, please?" I couldn't say no. If she had said anyhting else, I would have told her everything. I'm extrememly passive... I told her about how the met, they kissed, blah blah blah. She hates Kyle, well, that's what I think. She told me she doesn't hate anyone. I couldn't beleive that, though. Everyone hates somebody! Kyle, if you're reading this, please don't hurt me. Kyle has turned into an absolute snob. He wears abercrombie like, everyday. It's probably worth more than his million year old house. The bell just ring, gotta go!

Saturday, May 16, 2009

Clown Town- Great Place To Hang Out, Or A Death Trap?

So, what's up people? My night at Clown Town yesterday sucked, for the most part. It turns out that my enemy, Kyle, kissed that girl THREE TIMES, and he isn't allowed to date for two more years! My friend, Rachel, broke up with her boyfriend, and the night goes on. All my friends ditched me and left me stuck with Adele and Naomi, which was no fun...Well, it was ok. Well, since all my evil friends ditched me, I decided that I would hunt them down. When I finally found them, it was 9:20 and they were all leaving. I still had Naomi, and we found my other friend Rachel, but Rachel left shortly after. Naomi and I sat on a bench for about a half an hour waiting for her dad to pick us up.

Going back ten hours earlier in the day, I was having a great time. All of my friends were planning the night, and everything seemed to be perfect. Kyle was excited to see Stefie, his new girlfriend, for only the second time in his life. Natasha got her hair cut, and it looked kinda nice. But all everyone talked about was "I can't wait to meet Stefie!!!" Brooke saw her picture and said that she was pretty. I just think that everyone over-reacted. I just still can't believe that they kissed THRRE TIMES! Sorry, I'm still exagerating there a bit. Bye!

Thursday, May 14, 2009


Today, I found out that my worst enemy is being set up on a date tomorrow at this event called "Clown Town." It sounds like a child's event, but it is normally where all the older kids go to hang out at night. The rides are pretty dangerous, some broke down when people were upside down. I feel so bad. So, like I said, some of my friends set up this kid. They know each other, they have met once, for like, 30 minutes, but didn't get to know each other that well. They like each other though, but I find that kinda weird.

Today at school, I found out that my french teacher will not be there tomorrow. I am dissapointed, but also very excited! I hope we have a good subsitute. My engineering teacher is taking a break, so we have an older gentleman that will be teaching us for the remainder of the year. Also, I was dumb enought to touch the tip of a hot glue gun, and it hurt really bad. In Math, we reviewed homework thewhole time, becuase it was an important thing we need to know for eigth grade next year. I did the whole page wrong... Then there was L.A. which was boring... and then Social Studies wasn't any better. In science, we started a project, and I'm with a really bad group, but that's just my opinion. Then we finally had lunch, and I got pizza all over the place. Then in enrichment we watched Rebound, and that was boring, too.

What would you do if there was someone you really liked? This has ummmm, nothing to uhh, do with me...! Uh huh!

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

My Day

My school day was really boring.... The rain made everyone so depressed. I went to the library during lunch, but I didn't have time to make a post. My L.A. teacher got me pissed because I didn't have a peer edit for my essay, even though I was in Florida at the time. She said my grade would be lowered... Today I learned that my friend Brooke has a small crush on this freak Kyle. No offense to him. I enjoy life when Kyle isn't there. He is like an enemy to me. One of those people you just want to stab with a pen in the middle of class. My buddy Sophie,, used my password and made a random post that I have yet to delete.So, enjoy your lives, blah blah blah, and all that crap. Bye!


That Darn Adele rocks forever

Friday, May 1, 2009

My Horrible Day At School

Well, my favorite teacher was out today, and that was a sign today would suck, and it did. Still does. I went into school early to talk to friends, but all they talked about is dancing, and speaking of dancing, there was a really boring dance show today during 8th period. Today in French I got a question right, and I was complimented by the teacher. I have a good feeling she favors me. She gives me chocolate all the time. Except, today I was the only person who didn't do the homework, and she started saying that if I had done it, I would have beat the other class for having everyone do their homework. I felt really bad.... Well on the bright side, wait, there is no bright side to life.


So... who likes music? I am not a big fan, but my friends are into-

Britney Spears
The Killers
Katy Perry
Miley Cyrus/ Hannah Montana

And some others, but The Killers is kinda getting big. Thanks a lot, Naomi.

Hi Again

So, I covered the whole my life sucks thing last post. Got no friends, or anything that relates to happiness. But I love my puppy. So... what do people usually talk about?

Welcome To My Blog!

Hi, I'm Matt! I am new here! I have a very little amount of friends, and very little interest in life. I like black and green. My best friend is Matt B. He lives one town over. My best friend at school has to be my buddy Naomi. She is awesome! I love all my friends on my favorite website, ACC. I might post something later. But bye for now.